cellini's Diaryland Diary


How do they do this?

I don't get to talk to other professional writers very often. So I don't know much about what other people tend to do about the problems that I run into, professionally.

My study is useless right now, on account of the weather. It has been very very cold and the furnace is broken. In fact, it will probably never be fixed now. The study is actually what had been a porch that was enclosed and has only storm windows. It is freezing in there and I just can't heat it now that we are working solely with a few space heaters.

Where the fuck am I supposed to write?

For the last few weeks I've been home almost constantly. I can't fucking take this any more. All I do is cook and clean and do laundry, on account of the fact that Trish is too lazy to help in a meaningful way. The kids are constantly under foot and making noise and asking for things, which is just what small children do.

I'd like to work from coffee shops and such more often, but I can't afford the gas and food and other expenses involved in doing that.

How is it that other professional writers deal with this?

And how common is this lost month I've been experiencing? Waiting for the rest of one book advance and I still don't have the deal finished for my next book. No money, no idea exactly how much I'm going to have, and no way to pay for the travel that I need to accomplish in order to continue work on my new book. All I can do is sit around and wait.

What I'd like to be doing with this time is some really serious reading. But that just isn't possible with all of the distractions and demands of Trish and the kids. Literally, every 5 or 10 minutes its something else.

I did a really good radio interview today. Tomorrow I'm getting the fuck out of the house no matter what. Maybe sit in a University library to read.

10:05 p.m. - 2011-01-25


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