cellini's Diaryland Diary


Private, free, one-on-one.

We made beer last night. Well, mostly it was me who made the beer. Trish just put the water on to boil and sanitized the fermentor. American-style IPA. Should be ready to start drinking in 3 weeks or so.

Trish had her test or whatever for tennis yesterday afternoon. She took lessons for a while and wanted to join a league. In order to join, she had to be ranked for ability, meaning that she had to go meet up with someone from the league at a local court so that he could rate her ability.

Anyway, she went and got ranked or whatever and the guy told her that she did just barely qualify, but that she is doing certain things with the wrong form or whatever. Basically that if she keeps playing like that, she will do ok but won't be able to get any better and meanwhile the bad habits will be solidified.

So - wait for it - he has so very kindly offered to give her lessons. Private lessons! For free!


Now as far as I'm concerned, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. But it is hilarious how clueless she is acting about this. Obviously dude wants to try to fuck her. Personally, I'm going to enjoy watching this whole amusing drama unfold over the next month or so.

10:18 a.m. - 2009-07-23


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