cellini's Diaryland Diary


Also sending a photographer?!?!

Oh dude, the NYT is sending a photographer now as well. This has to work, this has to work. I'm worried about the kitchen where we're doing the class on Sunday. It's at the home of a single dude in a run-down neighborhood and the kitchen is small and I'm fucking worried it will be shit.

I can't believe this shit is really happening. They're taking the Amtrak down on Friday evening. What if I overcook the backstrap? What if I don't get a deer for the field dressing demo on Saturday?

Fuck fuck fuck.

This has to work. I need money so badly. If this works and I can manage to hand them exactly the story they want, wrapped up in a pretty bow, then I know that I can nail down a fat book advance in short order. I know it.

Thank God for my experience in politics. This is just like politics, except easier because there's no opposition. What I was really good at as a political strategist and adviser was working free media to get publicity for campaigns with low budgets. Every time I could get my candidate or issue on the news in a positive light, that was the equivalent of thousands of dollars in paid advertising. So I learned how to feed and care for journalists. Make sure they have things to photograph. Give them smooth interviews with soundbites they can edit for. Flawless directions, good background information, links or referrals to easy first-hand sources. Etc. Basically have an entire article or story packaged up for them that they can easily convince their editor or producer to green light and then turn into news with a minimum of effort.

That's what I'm doing here. And if I can get a fucking book deal already, that is how I'm going to earn out my advance and make the profits for the publisher to give me a second book deal and advance. I just have to follow through.

I am just entitled to have a seat at the table as anyone else. Just as entitled to write a book or opine in national publications or to get paid to show up some place and say some stuff and get money for it.

Oh shit - they will probably have a link to my blog in the story on the Times' website. Not this - my blog under my real name. So I need to write some brand new 'A' material on there, with photos, by Monday.

12:26 p.m. - 2009-11-05


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