cellini's Diaryland Diary


Making Money Appear Fucking Fast

I don't even remember what the fuck has happened since my last entry here.

I went to my cousin's wedding in MA and while I was there I went out fishing with other cousin. We went 30 miles off the coast of MA and caught over 100 fish. Mostly haddock and cod and cusk. I brought back a fuck-load of food. While we were out I also caught an 8 foot long blue shark.

That isn't all that big as sharks go, but really where do I go from there? Wrestling something like that in on a rod and reel. Jesus fuck. It was one hell of a fight.

I came home to a big financial crisis. Immediately I had to fucking do something, so I started teaching new classes. Yesterday I did my first remedial fishing class and it went really well. I worked my ass off with six people who didn't know what they were doing. They all caught fish and had a good time.

Now I seem to be offering something akin to Boy Sc0uts for adults. Basic rifle shooting, fishing, fire-making skills, etc. I made over $200 yesterday afternoon taking some people fishing. If I can do this shit 4 times a week then I have the makings of a decent living. Especially on top of magazine and book income.

I'm a Sl@te dot com regular now. My new piece about hunting p1gs ran a few days ago. I have another piece due next week, which will run in mid-September. This pays $200 a pop, but more importantly I have the prestige of being a Sl@te writer now. This will help me to sell articles to other higher-paying magazines.

Then there is the batshit crazy alligator project that I'm doing and raising money for now, but that's a whole other thing. I'm sleepy and will have to write about that another time.

2:19 a.m. - 2012-08-13


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