cellini's Diaryland Diary


CBS and pigs andshit

New piece in Sl@te today. With the attendant emailings from random people.

A producer from Cee Bee Ess news emailed me recently. They want to do a segment about me and my work for their morning show. Long story short, I'm driving to Alabama late next week to hunt 1nv@sive wild p1gs on camera. Also cook them and eat them. This is a lot of work to set up in advance, let along the actual hunt.

But man, I hope it will be worthwhile. It should put D1sc0very over the top in terms of deciding to pick up my show.

Also, I'm filming a guest appearance on someone else's show in less than a week. And I was asked to speak in front of a few thousand people at a food festival thing for next summer. It will pay, but its a long way off.

Tomorrow I have a reading and book signing to do. Right now I'm kinda drunk. I don't know what I'm going to read or talk about in front of the mic tomorrow.

I'm like halfway famous. I don't know what to do with it. I really hope that this offer of a new book deal from Nat1nal G3ographic works out. That should pay at least ten grand, I should think. There's no paycheck that shows up automatically when you get sort of famous. And there is no message board or place to look to for advice. I don't know what I'm supposed to do next or how to keep making a living.

10:25 p.m. - 2013-01-15


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