cellini's Diaryland Diary


By Way of Explanation

For those just joining me, this diary is a continuation of a previous diary that I kept online for about 5 or 6 years. I would rather have not moved over to being 'Cellini' but this was just how it worked out.

Someone who knew me in real life read the old diary, got suddenly psychotic and threatened to blackmail me with information in it. So I had to lock that one up in order to keep her out. Over time, the fact of it being locked came to bother me. I stopped getting new readers because only those with the password would have a look at the diary. Half the fun of keeping an online diary is the people whom one meets over the years. In order to get things back the way I want, it has become necessary to make the big move.

Sorry this is really a shit entry. My wife is coming home in a few hours after being gone all weekend and I have to do 2 days worth of chores in the next 4 hours. Hopefully I will finish in time to write up a proper introduction of myself and perhaps of the basic cast of characters.

1:57 p.m. - 2007-08-12


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