cellini's Diaryland Diary


Squirrel: It's What's for Supper

We're having this stupid problem with our phone right now at home. Basically something is wrong with the equipment on the lines near our house and sometimes we have phone service and other times we don't. Even when it is working, the line is so crackly that dialing up for internet access is just not an option.

'They' were supposed to come out and fix the problem yesterday but there was a big storm system in the area so they rescheduled for today. Now there is another electrical storm system moving through so it's probably being put off yet again.

I can't say I blame the tech guys. You really shouldn't even get in the shower when there is a thunder storm within 10 miles, let alone climb up to the top of a telephone pole and start fucking around with big, conductive cables.

Right now I'm basically focused on this whole series of scouting trips for the elk hunt plus dove season being about to start. Mmmmm, dove season.

I just found out yesterday that squirrel season starts on September 1st as well. I have no urge to hunt or eat squirrels as an activity unto it's self but this will come in handy on the scouting trip. Squirrels are handy food running around in the remote wilderness. If you can find a stand of oaks or hickories or something like that, there will be squirrels and you can shoot them and eat them if nothing else is available. Are they as good as doves or turkey? No way. But they aren't awful. Squirrel tastes pretty much like whatever you cook it with. It's just protein like anything else. Yes, they are rodents. But I find eating squirrel much less distasteful than, say, pigs raised in tiny cubes in factory 'farms' where they are forced to stand in their own shit for weeks on end. Now *that* is disgusting on many levels. I'll take wild squirrel over grocery store pork chops any day of the week.

3:55 p.m. - 2007-08-21


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