cellini's Diaryland Diary


Being Realistic

The other contacts are working out well aside from he fact that they are completely the wrong prescription and one of them randomly tore this morning.

I'd had them in for a week straight, following a previous straight 10 days with only a day of rest between the 2 stretches. And they have been very comfortable the whole time. Until this morning when the one in my left eye got suddenly really uncomfortable. I took it out when I got to work and found that it had a tear about a quarter of the way through it. How the fuck does that happen when it's just sitting on my eye?

Anyway, it was long since time for me to try these other ones with a better prescription anyway. I'm wearing glasses right now but I will try the other contacts when I get home.

Trish is now WRITING HP slash. Last night she said it was "really nasty" with this smug grin on her face. I have to get my hands on it. It's out there on the internet. I will find it.

She's trying to claim that we have only had vaginal sex 3 times since she had her IUD put in but that is bullshit. We have sex at least twice a week (usually more like 3 or 4 times) and it's been months since the IUD insertion. I fuck her in the ass a lot but not THAT much.

I wrote a rather short story for a collection that a friend is putting together and then decided to scrap the whole thing after some one kindly pointed out that it is stilted and switches perspectives awkwardly. Which is true. I could re-write it as something much better but I realized last night that I just don't have the time for that type of writing. It's one thing to sort of hammer out diary entries like this. Or type up political analysis and other non-fiction of that sort. But really telling a story in an artful way takes much more time that I no longer have.

This was a telling of an actual experience, too. I didn't even have to make up what happened. God forbid I start writing fiction again after all these years. I don't often feel moved to even read fiction. No sense in my writing it.

Political analysis and speeches. That is the kind of writing I should stick to. It's what I'm good at. Enough of this shit about novelizing my Hampshire experiences and so on. It's not going to happen and even if I did write it, I would have so little time to devote to the project that the results would suck.

2:42 p.m. - 2007-09-12


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