cellini's Diaryland Diary


Seven Hundreds

A few nights ago I finally got the chance to finish 'Green Hills of Africa.' It was good. Not amazing but good.

My car is finally ready. I won't be able to pick it up until tomorrow, which is just as well because I'm not looking forward to paying the $780 that I don't really have to spare. Oh, and Trish told me last night that she finally got the whole thing with her IUD sorted out and that it definitely isn't covered by our health insurance and that I do have to pay the $700 fucking dollars for it out of pocket.


What a total waste of money. I just fuck her in the ass most of the time anyway. It's a very effective form of contraception. Cheap, too.

I responded to someone's CL ad looking for a guy to fuck his wife while he watches and takes orders from me. A cuckold wimp. This would be interesting. Work is pissing me off lately. Annoying roadblocks in getting things done. I need a nice distraction of some kind. Some sort of exceptionally nice weekend. Like an evening of fucking some dude's wife while he fetches me a beer and masturbates.

Trish is writing porn constantly now. When she's not at the computer she has this little notebook she carries everywhere with her and is always writing in. The smut just comes pouring out of her at every moment.

My left little toe still hurts. This is where I got that horrible gash down to the bone from a piece of broken glass last winter (or whenever it was. I forget. It's in my old diary somewhere). Half the toe has no feeling whatsoever and the other half hurts. It hurts more when I walk on it. Enough to be annoying but not enough to see a doctor about. I suspect that there is some little bit of glass still in there which the ER doctor missed when she was cleaning it out. The thing is that broken glass generally doesn't show up on an X-ray. So it's not like the exact spot could be targeted in order to get it out. A surgeon would basically just have to go exploring with the scalpel and FUCK THAT. It would be worse than just dealing with this. Besides, it's probably a very teensy piece of transparent glass that a surgeon might not see even if she was looking right at it.

Whatever. It will probably just hurt a little bit for as I live. Or possibly until it works it's way out, slowly slicing it's way out as I walk until it pokes through the skin one day [*shudder*].

I had a lovely argument today about how deer hunting is the most ecologically sound way of obtaining animal protein. Everyone is all up in arms about 'food miles' these days. How far your food has to travel before it gets to your plate. Well, most suburban areas are crawling with more deer than thy can really deal with. There's your food right there in the backyard. Just fucking shoot it, butcher it and stick it in the freezer. No petroleum use or carbon emissions required.

It's also lovely because it turns land into dual use. You've got, say, a golf course that is used for recreation. Hundreds of acres of grass that deer graze on every evening. Have some designated hunting days or hours and then you've transformed that golf course into land that also produces rather a lot of food. Most red meat in the US is produced by turning massive tracts of land into monocultures of feed corn, which get fed to the cows and then the cows get butchered and turned into meat. That land that it takes to produce the meat is single use, which sucks. If more people would hunt deer and if more land was opened up for hunting this would be a tremendously positive thing, ecologically. Airports (lots of grass, woods and pools of water on airport property - this usually supports high deer populations), parks, suburban neighborhoods (you can hunt from tree stands or use archery and it's quite safe), timber land, right-of-way under big power lines and all sorts of similar places are making millions and millions of pounds of venison for us every year. Except that most of it just ends up getting hit by cars and it rots by the side of the road.

You know, I would even go so far as to say that hunting venison is more ecologically sound than eating on a typical vegetarian diet. Look at all the soy that most vegetarians seem to depend on as a primary source of protein. Soy is grown in a single-use monoculture. It's just a big field of soy bean plants. In order to produce that soy, you have to take a natural environment and the native vegetation and destroy it for the sole purpose of replacing that environment with the alien monoculture that is a commercial soy field. This is not the case with getting venison out of land. Undisturbed land in most of the US produces some meaningful number of deer already. You can essentially harvest protein from a forest without cutting down the trees or tilling the ground.

Liberal cases for conservative positions. I love that shit.

4:54 p.m. - 2007-09-26


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