cellini's Diaryland Diary


Chuck E. Cheese Ball Pit

Melinda got me on to Facebook and it's all I'm fucking doing. I wasted all of yesterday doing absolutely nothing but fucking around on Facebook.

Bitch, bitch, bitch. Here we go. My tennis elbow is bothering me today. Lateral epicondilitis. Whatever. It hurts. I need some motrin or something to get the swelling down. Maybe it's the pushups that are irritating the tendon? Fuck if I know.

I picked my car up this morning and it was all shiny and new-looking because they'd washed it for me. For $780 of work they'd fucking well better wash it. However, I noticed as I drove away that the little computer in the dash appears to have no power. This is the thing that calculates exactly how many miles of gas you have, tells you average speed and gas milage, etc. etc. It worked fine when I dropped it off so as far as I'm concerned, they broke it. I called them as soon as I got in to work and they want me to bring it back in on Monday. Lovely.

On the other hand, both my stocks are surging. It's all money in my SEP IRA so whoop de fuckin' doo. But still nice.

Erin suggested that I write a book or a proposal or something for her agency to look at. I feel like I had 500 different ideas for books a few months ago but damned if I can remember what they were at the moment. There was the 'personal history of accidental shamanism' that I described here a few weeks ago. I don't know if I could really get a whole book out of that concept, though.

I ought to write a book one way or another. It seems strange that I've gotten this far along in life and not gotten around to it. I have no desire to do some 'laboring over my art for the sake of art' type thing. It just seems like a worthwhile life accomplishment to get out of the way at some point. Like climbing a very tall mountain or swallowing the worm at the bottom of the tequila bottle.

To me, the main reason to write a book would be to make money. I do rather like getting and having money. Also spending it. The whole money experience, from start to finish, appeals to me a great deal. So I would only write something that had a reasonable chance of selling a fair number of copies. I know that most books lose money. But I am not clear on whether the author draws a blank in that case or just the publisher.

Back to this whole Facebook thing, the most vexing thing is my difficulty in remembering people's last names. People from years ago. It's hard to just search for a 'Jennifer' or a 'David.'

I think it would be a notable thing to have sex in a Chuck E Cheese ball pit.

10:23 a.m. - 2007-09-28


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