cellini's Diaryland Diary


And More Lyme Disease

Simon is going back to the vet tomorrow for more tests. His symptoms are more severe than is typical of a dog with early stage Lyme disease. He keeps falling down.

Meanwhile, I have a lot of pain and stiffness in my elbows and shoulders. There are other possible explanations but I have to really watch out now for signs of Lyme disease myself. I've had more tick bites this summer than I can even remember and it was the same population of ticks that gave Lyme disease to Simon. I called my doctor about it this morning but he doesn't even want to do a test at this point.

I am seriously considering getting a hold of some veterinary grade antibiotics (no prescription) and dosing myself immediately. If you wait to treat Lyme disease until the symptoms are totally undeniably, at that point you probably can't completely get rid of it and will end up with permanent damage to the nervous system. Fuck that. Most doctors fail to diagnose it and have no idea how aggressive they need to be with it because they never actually run into it. You're actually better off talking to a vet because they actually encounter it a lot and know how to treat it. Regular doctors are too cautious about antibiotics and don't want to do anything until it's too late.

This can all be over now. I'm ready for that part.

I'm so tired. Didn't get much sleep last night. I just want to go home and curl up with Simon and fall asleep.

3:51 p.m. - 2007-10-08


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