cellini's Diaryland Diary


Good News

I just talked to the vet and there is some good news. It probably isn't wobblers disease. He's going to do an x-ray just to be sure but it's more likely something called 'coon hound paralysis.'

This is some type of disease that dogs get from contact with a raccoon (entirely possible given where we live). Also this is on top of the Lyme disease.

The prognosis for this is good. Lots of hard work and time but good. The disease will run it's course and most dogs make a full recovery. However, it can take weeks or even up to 3 or 4 months for this to happen.

Meanwhile, my new job is nursing Simon until he can move his back, neck and limbs again. He has to spend a few nights at the animal clinic. After that they are going to give us a lot of instructions for his care.

The blood tests, X-rays and boarding at the clinic will probably come to $1,000 or so. I don't have the money. I'll have to hit the pawn shop or something. Whatever. I don't have the money by any stretch of the imagination but I can make it appear somehow. I have a few days before the bill is due.

The important thing is that Simon will not die today. Or tomorrow. Odds are that he will not only live but will eventually be up and running around and chasing rabbits again.

Tonight I will start setting up the study for him. I'll need to make a very comfortable dog bed for him and get a bunch of disposable bed pads. For the first few nights after he comes home I will sleep in there on the floor with him until I have a sense as to whether he can be on a normal bed next to me without peeing on the mattress. The days are going to suck for him. Nothing to do and no way to play or exercise. Plus me being at work. The least I can do is stay with him all night.

2:05 p.m. - 2007-10-09


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