cellini's Diaryland Diary



Simon took a few steps last night. Not good steps but he was up on his feet and walking a few steps nonetheless. That is an improvement. He's learned to tell me when he has to poop and I carry him straight out and he goes. But not so much with the peeing. He's holding it for literally 24 hours straight and this cannot continue. He will give himself a bladder infection. This is the only major issue with taking care of him at the moment. He needs to learn to go when I carry him outside and help him stand up.

Having sold the BMW feels lovely. I still feel weird not having it. But I'm ok with this. Selling the BMW allowed me to turn a corner. It ended one chapter and opened another. This put me back in control. Creating my reality rather than just being subjected to the random reality that chance bombards me with.

I'm going to test drive and hopefully buy this ZX2 later today.

This is all ok. I'm ok. Simon is maintaining and there is hope.

Trish and the kids are going out of town this weekend. I intend to spend the entire time hunting deer and playing Grand Theft Auto. Assuming that I can find the damned second disc for Vice City.

1:31 p.m. - 2007-10-16


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