cellini's Diaryland Diary



So it looks like I'm going to be knocking Jendix up. Knocking her up as in fucking her snatch, repeatedly, until she become pregnant. Seriously.

She wants to have a baby and some sperm is generally required for that to happen. Using a donor for artificial insemination costs $2,000 or more. This way the only expense is transportation. Plus she's seen pictures of my kids and knows that they are attractive and healthy.

It happens that Trish is fine with this. In fact, it was sort of her idea. Out of nowhere, a couple weeks ago she'd said that if anyone we knew ever needed my 'services' for that purpose, it would be totally fine. Jenny needs that particular service, so here we are.

I'm rather looking forward to this. To get myself in the mood I've been reading inpregnation smut on ASSTR and it's working. Obviously one time won't be likely to do the trick so we'll have to do it again and again for several days in various positions in order to be certain that the job is really done.

It could be tough. There's no telling how many times I might have to put my cock in her in order to accomplish this goal. Especially since I'll probably end up putting it in her ass every other time.

The really cool thing about this is that none of it is at all sneaky. Well, I don't want my extended family to know. But I mean that Trish is fully aware of this plan and has fully endorsed it.

I am a very lucky man indeed.

We still have to work out the legal details. So that it gets treated like any other sperm donation.

I think this will technically make Mnemosynea and I some sort of cousins or something. Neat.



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