cellini's Diaryland Diary


An Alice-Proof Fence

I still cannot actually visit the Diaryland website. Can't see anyone else's diaries, can't read notes, can't change my settings to enable comments even though my account now allows them. I'm adding all of my entries via email. Maybe this weekend I might have some time alone at home in which I can get on to Diaryland to do all of these things.

Trish has become such a LiveJournal whore. She has something like 4 or 5 women who are trying to get into her pants. All of them are nominally straight. This is what you get for being an attractive woman and posting pictures of yourself on the internet.

This situation with Alice and the fence is getting out of hand. It's that damn wire along the back. Last year I paid this dude around ,000 to build a fence with the sole design criteria being that it has to keep this specific weiner-be@gle inside. ,000 spent almost exclusively for that purpose. The other 2 dogs don't try to go far from the house and they don't really need a fence given that we have a nice 6 acre territory for them. It's Alice who wants to roam. Anyway, ,000 later I find that this dipshit used one kind of wire fencing for 3 sides and then another kind for the back. The kind in the back has larger gaps in the wire near the bottom that Alice can easily squeeze through.

So now she's slipping out of the fence each and every day. When she was just staying pretty close by, right back in the woods where I could call her, it wasn't too bad. I'd call her and she'd come back in. But now she's roaming farther and farther as she tracks deer and rabbits through the woods. Every other day I'm having to hike as much as a mile each way in search of her. This is especially bad at night, when I'm having to go straight through acres of brush towards where I hear her baying. Just wandering around in the thick woods in the cold and dark. It fucking sucks.

What I need are 4 or 5 bales of chicken wire to put up over the existing wire. But since I no longer have a pickup truck (fuck fuck fuck I hate that fact), I have no way of getting the materials here. Even one bale of wire will not fit in either of my cars, let alone 5 bales. I'd like to see if I can sort this out somehow this weekend. Scrape up the money for the wire and see if I can use Trish's parents' truck.

The trouble and expense that this little dog has cost me over the past 4 or 5 years is ridiculous. She's just lucky that she happens to be really cute and loyal. Also she's extremely useful as a tracker during deer season. My last deer of this past season was the doe that she found wounded in a field and demanded that I come out to look at with her. We're still eating that deer. So the upside here is that at least she's a productive member of the household.

10:48 - 2008-02-15


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