cellini's Diaryland Diary


Getting All Design-y

Did I mention that I've got the fucking tennis elbow in both arms now? Yeah, that's what's going on here. I tried to save my right elbow by hammering part of the time with my left arm. Consequently I now have lateral epicondylitis in both arms. Oh, well. What're you gonna do? Nails need hammering and the pain can be borne. I've got that pneumatic nailer that I can use more often if need be. I'm just horrified at the prospect of no longer actually swinging a hammer because I really like the exercise. It's done me a lot of good.

The rafters are half-way finished now. It'll get done. It's taking fucking forever but it'll get done. I am, as Dr. Maturin would say, with child to get to work on the interior and the finish work. I just need the damned roof finished already.

I'm thinking about colors now. I saw some pictures yesterday of a little backyard retreat that some designer had put together that I may take inspiration from. It was a pair of small clapboard sheds with gabled roofs and the exteriors were painted black while the interiors were white. I was already planning on keeping the framing of the ceiling exposed and painting it white but I really like this idea of painting the outside black. You don't see black houses. It was rather striking. I do wonder if it would make the building too hot in the summer, but on the other hand it would keep it warmer in the winter. A fan in one window will certainly vent the excess heat efficiently enough during the hottest months. If it's a problem then I can just repaint the building.

Oh, the built-ins will be fun. I really want to build that murphy bed style dining table. And the kitchenette. I will have a ball designing and building that. The kitchenette will be on the modern side in it's design. I will make all of the furniture myself, perhaps using a few pieces that I've already made. Every implement, every spoon and bowl will be chosen specifically for this building. No amalgam of cast-offs from the main house.

I am also reconsidering whether I want drywall. If I can find wooden planks for a low enough price then I would rather use those to cover the walls and then paint them. Maybe some sort of low grade 1/2" x 6" pine planks? It can be full of knots and that would be fine, since it's not structural and it will be painted over anyhow.

11:52 - 2008-05-01


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