cellini's Diaryland Diary


Diaryland is Wiping out my Entries

For some reason NONE of my numerous entries over the last few weeks have shown up. Something is horribly wrong with Diaryland. I always post by email and it responds with a message telling me that it posted. Then I got tipped off the other day that my entries aren't actually showing up.

I emailed Andrew (who runs DL) and asked for help, but he didn't respond and it's been days. If I don't hear from him in the next 2 days, I'm picking up and moving to Livejournal or something, because this is absolute shit. I'm a gold member even.

So I'm experimenting here with adding an entry in the conventional way, which is not often an option for me at work. Maybe this will disappear into a black hole like everything else.

2:32 p.m. - 2008-07-09


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