cellini's Diaryland Diary


How I Do Look Forward to Berlin in 1902

The hard cider tasting last night was a great success. I unexpectedly ran out of business cards. For some reason everyone wanted my phone number or email address. Including this really hot woman who is probably in her late 40's or so. Very well preserved and a fine figure. Fantastic tits. I decided quickly that I wouldn't even pretend not to be staring at them. She owns a bunch of restaurants and bars. I want to do all sorts of filthy things to her.

Then there was this sort of ageless hippie woman who seems about 22 but is probably closer to 35 based on the fine lines on her face. She had short hair, which I don't usually go for. Not usually my type at all, but there must have been pheromones or something because I kept mentally undressing her. She kept sitting very close to me and staring very intently into my eyes and asking me all sorts of personal questions. Maybe it's a hippie thing?

Also there's this guy who I've talked to at the last few of Kevin's tasting parties named Andrew who shares my passion for Belgian ales. Dude actually went to Belgium specifically to tour breweries. He also hunts and is giving me a dozen or so doves that he got this year, which is nice because my dove hunting this year was entirely unsuccessful. I had no idea until tonight that he also happens to be an Assistant Prosecutor for my county. Dude gets a badge and everything. It would be worth becoming an Assistant Prosecutor just to get the badge. I wonder if that gives him power of arrest and shit? We're getting together sometime next week to drink unusual Belgian ales and I'm going to show him how to use a bunch of homebrewing equipment that a neighbor gave him.

It occurs to me that if only I could manage to bring Trish along to the next one of these, we would have extremely good odds of pulling an attractive person or couple to have sex with. It's all just a question of babysitting. She got some stuff at Victoria's Secret yesterday that is specifically for wearing in that situation. A merry widow, etc.

In a completely unrelated vein, I am suddenly struck by a profound sadness at the realization that the year 1902 may well be lost to us forever. What a fascinating time that must have been to be alive, particularly in Europe. Civilization was astride 2 eras at once. Horses and carriages still filled the streets and yet there were great steel dreadnought battleships in the harbors and underground rail systems in some cities. Berlin. I would dearly love to be in Berlin during the spring and summer of 1902. I do not say 'love to *have* been in Berlin in 1902' because it is not intended as a reflection on something that I wish I had done in the past but rather something that I pine for in the future.

Every single face I would have seen in those streets is now dead, with the exception of perhaps a very few who were infants at the time. I can look at photographs of that time. People going about their business. Men drinking in a saloon. A pretty woman holding a folded parasol and looking confused. BUT WHAT THE FUCK - THEY ARE GONE?

I abhor the concept of almost anyone being gone forever. I want to chat the pretty woman with the parasol up, take her home and fuck her. I want to stand in the underground station and listen to the echo of hundreds of people in strange hats talking and milling about as a train whooshes in to a stop.

Some day, hopefully time travel will become real and practical and we can all have 1902 back again.

Meanwhile, am I failing to live fully enough in 2008?

1:19 p.m. - 2008-11-13


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