cellini's Diaryland Diary


I will write the novel in Munich.

My accomodations in Munich are now settled. I'm renting a furnished studio apartment for 8 days. I'd prefer something closer to the center of town, but this isn't too far across the river and it will do just fine.

A plan has taken shape. My goal for this trip is going to get as much work done on a novel as possible. I don't know whether it is possible to completely finish a first draft in a week but I will find out.

I have a good outline to work with now. As with any first novel, it is more or less autobiographical. A key part of the book is set in Munich so as it turns out it is a good idea for me to go there to write.

There is no way in hell that I could get this writing done at home in that time. Too many distractions with the kids, etc.

It feels like what needs to be done. For the last few years I have struggled with the miracle with Simon and the deer. What do I do with that experience? Build a shrine? Go on Oprah? It feels wrong to be as silent about it as I have. Or even when I tell someone the story, the real magic and the element of the divine does not come across. Nobody fucking understands. Because when I talk about this as some anecdote at a party or something, it must necessarily be treated as something light. And there is no explaining how profoundly the whole thing has affected my life since.

So the answer to all of this is to write an autobiographical novel about it. Which also gives me the purpose for this trip to Munich in September that I have been in search of.

10:52 a.m. - 2009-07-10


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