cellini's Diaryland Diary


And Stirling Engines and Stuff

Scottsdale was more or less shitty and dull, although I did get some time to walk around in the desert. I liked that part. Everything else sucked.

The airplanes were nice. I like flying on airplanes.

I've stopped bothering to wear the wrap-around braces or straps on my elbows. It doesn't really help very much and sometimes I think they make things worse. The real purpose of wearing those things, for me, is to signal to other people that I have an injury or a disability which prevents me from holding a door or helping to lift something. Otherwise I just look like an asshole.

I don't want to live in constant pain anymore. I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE IN CONSTANT PAIN ANY MORE. I've had enough and I just want this to stop. I wish I could have the surgery tomorrow instead of waiting another 5 weeks.

My class is now completely overflowing and I'm turning people away. I hope I don't fuck this thing up somehow.

During lunch today I walked over to the guy with the gourmet food cart and wound up in a discussion with him and some random dude about Jungian shared-consciousness theory contrasted with Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic fields, which somehow segued into a discussion of comparative technologies for projecting the senses, preferred technology for extending the human lifespan, and finally the comparative merits of Stirling engines versus other means of converting light and heat into electricity.

This is why I love this city. This is the opposite of Scottsdale or 99% of the other places in America that I have visited. Random conversations that people were having in Scottsdale, or in the airports at Detroit or Atlanta, consisted of stupid people saying stupid, demonstrably false things to each othe. Or it was celebrity gossip, or golf, or football, or other tedious subjects.

You listen to what people talk about here and it is just far less inane and retarded then the shit that you overhear in most any other town or city. Also there is not a single Starbucks within a 2 mile radius of where I'm sitting. That has got to mean something good.

4:15 p.m. - 2009-08-18


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