cellini's Diaryland Diary


Almost There

Last night I was on the news again. They wanted someone to explain to the general public why spotlighting deer is very naughty, so the producer emailed me and a few hours later they did the interview.

I also had the first session of a new class last night. Yeah, I had sworn up and down that I wouldn't do another weekly class. I fucking hate the ongoing time commitment that drags out for 2 months. But I had these people pretty much begging me to do it and it was an instant $650 for a class of 5 students. This will pay for my laptop and 100 gallons of heating oil. I can't say no to that.

The HBO thing is moving forward and the other TV show proposal with the CA-based production company suddenly woke up again. They've drawn up a talent option for me to review and sign. I really need a talent agent by the end of the year to look at this shit for me.

That other project with the UK-based production company is on hold until January. I don't know whether its going to happen or not. The extra money would be nice, but it is pretty unlikely that it will to lead to any sort of on-going source of income for me. A one-shot deal that probably will never make it to broadcast.

Trish and the kids are going to a family reunion this weekend while I stay home. This will be a good opportunity to get a shit-load of writing done. My laptop should arrive tomorrow. I want to finish my book proposal and write a first draft of a magazine article.

Almost every time I go out somewhere and have some type of conversation with random strangers, I get recognized. They saw one of the print articles about me or have seen me on the news or read blog entries or heard about me on the radio. I am now officially a local celebrity. Nationally, much less so.

I'm right here on the edge of this new career. I can practically taste it. I am so close to making this work. Within 6 months I think I might be able to quit my day job. All I need is a decent book advance and a TV deal for at least 4 episodes. Given the minimum that they have to pay me as a host under SAG minimum guidelines, that combination would net me more than what I'm currently making.

10:25 a.m. - 2009-12-17


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