cellini's Diaryland Diary


Pissing on My Parade

Right now I'm waiting to find out what this other publisher is offering. I have an offer from the first place that I can accept at any moment. It is a very good offer, but if we can get a bidding war going then so much the better.

The only problem is that I won't have any money in hand for at least a few weeks. The advance will be at least $15k so this will be a sizeable hunk of cash that I have to look forward to. And this is all very exciting, but meanwhile my wife is a fucking reckless retard who wrote a check for $65 on Friday afternoon when she knew perfectly well that our bank balance was 75 cents and that there was no money of any kind coming in for at least a week or two. So today, I get to lose my fucking mind scrambling for cash to deposit in order to keep the check from bouncing and to keep her out of jail.

I just want to fuckign slap her at this point. And I've decided where to get the money in such a way that it will be, effectively, a slap in her face.

In a few minutes I'm going to go pawn my wedding ring.

Go ahead and complain, you stupid irresponsible cunt. I don't fucking care. I have nothing left to pawn, except for my laptop and my rifles. Without the laptop I can't work on the book that I'm getting at least $15k for and without the rifles I can't teach the classes that people pay $380 a head to sign up for. So its going to be my wedding ring.

I am furious enough with her for this in the first place, but even more furious at her complete lack of willingness to deal with the sitation herself instead of having to bail her out AGAIN while I'm working 2 full time jobs and she sits on her frigid ass at home doing nothing. And I am FUCKING LIVID at her for throwing this shit into my lap right at this moment of what should be triumph and celebration.

11:13 a.m. - 2010-03-22


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