cellini's Diaryland Diary


Exactly Right

That was a nice weekend.

I'm not even sure what the fuck I did on Saturday during the day, aside from taking Harry with me to go pick up a few rifles that Paul was working on for me. But after that, we all went over to Mary and her husband's house on the other side of the county. My friend, George, who I hadn't seen in something like 10 years, turns out to be an old, old friend of Mary's. Their parents are/were best friends and bought 150 acres each on the side of a mountain not far from here and they grew up playing together all summer since they were about 5 years old.

This was a totally crazy, bat-shit insane coincidence. Considering that I knew Mary from summer camp when we were kids and that this was a camp full of kids from all over the world.

Anyway, George and his Korean wife have a 6 year old son and Ida spent all night running around with him while Harry (who is only 3) struggled to keep up in their play. Ida and George's son were holding hands by the end of the night. It was really cute.

We made a big bonfire as the sun went down. Mary's husband started the fire by literally rubbing a stick against a piece of wood and had it going within a few minutes. The grownups all hang out around the fire and drank beer while the kids caught toads and ran around in the dark.

It happened to be Beltane that night and Mary's husband, F., insisted that we do some ritual of walking around between 2 fires and so forth.

George, his Korean on the early side because they were jet-lagged, having just flown here from Korea the day before. Then Mary and I ended up inside the house and she pulled out a trunk full of old photos and stuff from camp.

We were both kinda tipsy and after going through the photos she furtively pulled out her diaries from camp of various years and showed me some key entries. Basically it was one after another that stated "I am completely in love with [Cellini]."

It was very sweet of her to show me this, but I am feeling a little weird about what her husband would think about some of this. Like I've said here before, he has become a friend of mine who I hang out with regularly. If it was just about her, no problems. And if we're talking about getting into some swapping or something, that's also fine. But if Mary is still in love with me and moving towards acting on it (which seems to be where this is potentially going?), then that is a threat to his marriage with her. And I can not have that.

Although I would really like to fuck her.

I noticed something after talking to her on the phone yesterday. I remember everything she ever said to me. Like, conversations we had when I was 8 years old. I remember every single thing.

The kids went to some kid fair thing with my parents yesterday and got to ride ponies. Trish went to watch a tennis match and I stayed home and watched Goodfellas, then searched for porn with Indian chicks (Mary is from 1ndia, adopted into the US as an infant). While simultaneously doing that shit, I got everything sorted out for getting a deer for my class next week. It is all set. Mary's husband is going to drive up to get it and Paul is taking him to a shooting range after work tomorrow to make sure that his riflery is equal to the task. F. is also going to be doing a demonstration of h0w to skin a deer and what is involved in hide preservation and tanning. He's got all sorts of hides he has tanned and made into things.

Then at around 2 pm I decided to go fishing and drove to a lake about 20 minutes away. I had a good time, but all I got was one bluegill. A nice, big bluegill, but still just the one. I put it in the freezer to wait until I have enough for a proper meal. There were huge bluegill all over the place and I could see them right there, but they weren't biting. Right now they are getting ready to spawn and what I was seeing were great big males that had swept out their bowl-shaped depressions to use as nests and they were displaying and waiting for females to show up. They had spawning on their mind and had no interest in food. They would only strike at something out of territorial anger, which was how I got the one bluegill.

It was very much so an ideal weekend. Which is good, because I won't have another free weekend until the end of the month. Next weekend I've got a 2 day intensive class and the weekend after that I'm in NYC to teach a workshop. Then after that I might be filming with these Discovery network guys.

10:24 a.m. - 2010-05-03


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