cellini's Diaryland Diary


My TV Stuff, Etc.

I was on Versus last weekend but didn't get to watch it. Plenty of people told me they saw it and that my interview was good. Dude who produces the show is supposed to send me a copy of it. We might be working on a DVD together this fall.

My TV producer is finally getting our schedule in order after much insistence on my part. This is a different guy from the dude at Versus. We're going to try to film for a few days in Florida in September or October. He knows that I don't watch TV so he says that he has homework for me. He is mailing me a bunch of DVDs of shows that I'm supposed to watch.

Last night I had a bad dream about being on a reality show and fucking hating it. That is turning into a real fear of mine. I DO NOT WANT a reality show. I despise that shit and I despise the way that everyone involved with it gets treated. What I want is a travel/documentary type show. I'm worried that after all of this work and hustle and development I'll get offered a show and it will be a 'reality' (read: horseshit scripted crap where they turn you into a caricature and pay you less than minimum wage). And after all that work I'll have to turn it down.

I realized about 20 minutes after emailing that invasive reptile lady that elsewhere on her website it is clear that she is extremely opposed to hunting or killing them. I can't imagine that her supposed passion for dealing with the problem can add up to much if she wants millions of invasive reptiles left alive and in the wild, but the point is that I felt terribly retarded and rude for having asked her for help.

1:58 p.m. - 2010-08-03


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