cellini's Diaryland Diary


Mission Accomplished

So exhausted. Still in the Florida Keys. We're starting the 2 day drive home tomorrow. Possibly a 3 day drive (please no). I have a sun tan and a lot of bug bites and many scratches from thorns and I'm ready to go home now.

Yesterday I finally got the green iguana that I needed to write that chapter of the new book. It was a big one! I had really hoped to get a lot of them and bring home a lot of meat but I just didn't have the land access or local connections that I would have needed for that. Plenty of lizards around, but few places where I could pull the trigger. As it was, I had to do a whole commando style thing to get one. This guy was about 4.5 feet long. I made pasta sauce with some of the meat and I'm bringing the rest of the meat home to share. I got the whole thing on camera and will have good material to edit into a 5-10 minute promotional thing to put on Youtube or whatever when its time to promote the book.

As soon as I get back I have a photo shoot to schedule with a newspaper. Dude wants to come goose hunting with me. I'm not sure how to manage the transportation of 2 canoes right now, especially when I only have the one compact car and Trish's car still has some kind of engine problem. I need a fucking pickup truck already.

Friday will be for sitting around at home and decompressing and hanging out with the kids. Friday night is dinner with Mary and F. I have an iguana hide salted for F. Then on Saturday I am taking Ida out on her first real deer hunt. Sunday will be for writing and working on the new chapters. Monday I have to hunt geese for the Slow F00d event with this photographer from the paper. Then the rest of the week will be reserved for working on the book and scheduling the next 2 trips and scheduling hunting classes to teach.

I am way more busy since I quit my day job than I ever was before. I don't get pay checks for this stuff at the moment, but I sure am busy.

Also I'm almost out of underwear and completely out of socks. Definitely time to go home.

6:36 p.m. - 2010-09-21


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