cellini's Diaryland Diary


Inhabiting my Profession

I slept until 11 am this morning, farted around for a while, took Harry on a walk to look for animals and then I drove in to town to work. I'm sitting in a coffee shop in front of my laptop and they were just playing Moby and I'm surrounded by 20-40 year old slightly hip people with laptops who are talking about stuff. I feel so very much in America. Very much more in the world than I used to be. I need to get those fucking firearm chapters for the deer book sorted out today.

Some dude in GA got in touch with me last night about hunting pigs with him in a week or two. I certainly hope that works out. I have no idea who this guy is, but he's already invited me to stay in his guest room. This sort of thing seems to happen a lot as I work on this book. Its very nice of him, but I'd probably rather stay in my camper/trailer/RV thing. Living out of the camper puts me right into 'I am at work on the road' mode. It also might be awkward for me to disappear at random times to write and work if I'm staying at dude's house.

I've finally been getting some good feedback about the TV pilot from people who actually watch TV. Apparently this looks like a show that people will plausibly want to watch and it fits with what is on TV these days without being exactly like anything else out there.

This week I am finally starting to feel at home in my new life and career. I don't wake up and panic that I'm running late for work anymore. I don't feel like this is just a very long weekend anymore. There still isn't a routine per se. Some days I write at home, other days I go into town, sometimes I'm on the road to kill and eat things and other times I just go fishing. I'm starting to feel like I really inhabit my profession as an author.

6:13 p.m. - 2010-10-07


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