cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banging Shit Out! Damn, I got so much writing done today. I finished the bl@ck iguana chapter and wrote 80% of the green iguana chapter. I blazed through about 6,500 words in the space of maybe 3 hours. And its good stuff, too. I could have gotten that much again done, except that I had to take Harry to his T ball practice. And tomorrow I have to take him to his game at 10:30 am. It isn't that I don't like doing these things with him, but when I'm on a fucking roll with the book then it pisses me off to have to walk away from it. As the style of the book unfolds, I think I'm going to have to re-write the preliminary chapters that I wrote like 6 months ago. What I'm doing now is so 10 times better and I don't want awkward stylistic transitions. What I was doing at first was too much of a manual, which makes sense because I was also wrapping up the other book at the time and that one *is* a how-to manual. But the new book is not going to be a straight how-to type of thing. The market for that is too limited. I don't want to sell 5,000 copies of this new book. I want to sell 50,000. For that to happen it has to be a narrative with real story-telling. Some sense of a plot, character development and harrowing things happening to the main character. That being me. Sweet fuck, the shit I have put myself through for this book. Thorns, swamps, swimming down rapids with a shotgun, risking arrest. And the worst/best is still to come. Next week I think I'm hunting wild b0ars in Georgia with an AR-15 and a night vision scope. Dude says we can get up really close to them with the night vision set-up, but the problem is that they can charge right at you when you're only 15 yards away like that. Ok, that's what's for dinner then. It will all be worthwhile when I'm on Conan O'Brian shoving iguana barbeque into Conan's mouth and the book hits the NY Times bestseller list. Have I mentioned before that I have a really fucking weird job? 7:12 p.m. - 2010-10-08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |