cellini's Diaryland Diary


NYT, NYT, Please NYT

Woo-hoo! I just emailed one of my guys at the NYT to invite him to cover the goose event. I really think that I've got very good odds of having them send a reporter out to cover it.

Why does this matter? Because anything about hunting something that is in the NYT becomes controversial and gets emailed around in a big way. And because being written up in the NYT counts for massive, massive extra points with any book publisher or editor based out of NYC (which is most of them). Having a recent write-up in the NYT means that my name recognition among those publishers and editors will shoot way up for a few months after it runs, which means that far more of them will read and seriously consider buying my new book. And when they make their offers it will dramatically increase the dollar amount of the advance.

OH FUCK YES! Dude from the Times just sent me back an email saying "Oh my! Can you call me (xxx) xxx-xxxx?"

Awesome. Ok, I did just drink the better part of 2 beers over the past hour since I came home. Well. Won't I be lively then?

3:33 p.m. - 2010-10-13


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