cellini's Diaryland Diary


And the Groupies are Where?

I got a note on DL from a nice young lady this evening, which put me in mind of the fact that I really need to get comments re-enabled on DL. I let it lapse because Andrew, who runs DL, would not reply to my emails for about a month when the posting-by-email function was not working, which was rather pissy of him considering I'd paid him a few hundred dollars at least over the years.

So this article in the New Y0rk Times is supposed to run either tomorrow or Friday. Oi. I don't think its going to be as big a thing as it was last time, but it will still shake things up and change my life in some way.

I went on another goose mission today and did not get anything. I got out to that pond and there was nothing but a lone duck, paddling around by itself. I watched it through the scope but left it alone. I'm getting desperate. This calls for desperate measures tomorrow.

What I really want out of all of these Sl0w Food workshops is travel. I want to get to Sweden and Italy and I would really like to get back to England already, which is going to be tough through Sl0w Food. The plan is to go to the UK in preparation for one of the international editions of the new book. They are over run with gray squirrels imported foolishly from North America and I happen to have a fair bit of experience in hunting those here at home. I want to get back to the UK anyhow and hunting and e@ting gray squirrels for the book is a good excuse.

I talked to Jenny early his afternoon. She seems to be doing well. I'd been worried about her. One of the things I'd really hoped to come about from making this huge change of careers was the idea of being able to jump in the car and drive to see her in Kansas City. She brought up the geese in her front yard and I almost suggested that I get in the car and start driving right away to see her and get some geese while I was at it. But I have a class to teach this weekend and it wouldn't work. I'm booked solid for quite a while, actually. Class this weekend, then driving to Georgia the day after to hunt pigs for a few days and then driving off, and maybe having a day to recover before flying to NYC to trap pigeons on a rooftop and teach this goose hunting workshop that the NYT is covering. And when I get back, 4 or 5 days later Trish is leaving for Minneapolis and I have to take care of the kids for 6 days on my own.

Fuck. I'm booked through something like November 12th.

Then in mid-November some friends from NYC are coming into town and I'm helping my sister entertain them. One of them is Emma, whom I ought to fuck. Also I've got opening day of modern firearms for the deer season on the 13th. And I have this new book to keep writing.

Then, after that weekend, I might have 2 weeks until I go to the Bahamas. Except that I think I might have to teach another class on the 27th and 28th, which would fuck up the ideal departure date for getting to the Bahamas.

This whole thing was not what I expected. I suppose that quitting your day job means scads of free time if you happy to be wonderfully lazy. I, however, have managed to create a new job that is beyond full time. I've booked myself up far more so than I ever was when I had a desk to sit at all day long.

It would be good if there was a nice lady to come with me on the first half of the cruise to the Bahamas. I mean, I'm booking this room for 2 people for the whole cruise and I'm only 1 person who will be in it for less than half of the cruise. Surely there must be some nice woman who could share the bed with me for part of the trip.

Jesus, I already have to deal with the insane fan mail. Where the hell are all the groupies?

11:25 p.m. - 2010-10-20


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