cellini's Diaryland Diary



Son of a bitch, someone wants me to guide for him this Saturday. Which is opening day of the modern firearms deer season. The day I wait for all year, and he wants me to meet him at some WMA 100 miles away that I've never been to before in order to... wait for it... hunt fucking rabbits.

Wabbits. ON OPENING DAY OF DEER SEASON. On land neither of us have even been to before. Fucking idiot.

The problem is that I really need the money. I desperately need the money, in fact. So I'm going to have to say 'yes' to this retarded fucking idea.

However, I think I'm going to veto his rabbit idea. No, we will not hunt fucking rabbits on opening day of deer season. Dude wants to hunt that day, its deer or nothing. Even if I'm not the one pulling the trigger or keeping the meat, I'll be damned if I'm not on a deer hunt that day one way or another.

Also, I'm randomly being interviewed by 'B0ating US' magazine next week. Weird.

10:38 a.m. - 2010-11-11


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