cellini's Diaryland Diary



Well my editor called today and kissed my ass a lot more than any editor should. This is my editor for the first book. I told her I'd have the last bunch of revisions done by tomorrow morning. I'll be up late tonight but that's all right.

I'm all over the fucking place. I googled myself some more and I'm fucking everywhere from the NY T1mes to the P0st to Ment@l Floss to Newsw33k to whatever you could name. Plus all of these upcoming magazine articles and the talk radio stuff and so forth. I've got enough credibility and media contacts now that I can honestly say that when the time comes to start promoting the new book I will be able to reach literally millions of people.

This new book is going to be culturally important. For a month or so when it launches it is going to become a part of the national and international discussion about conservation and the economy and politics and how to address local environmental problems and whether or not a federal bureaucracy can do that effectively. And its a travel book and its full of these strange and colorful characters. This book has been turning into so much more than I ever thought it would.

So among all of the other good things about it, I think that publishers should be fucking tripping over themselves to pick this up. I can promote the fuck out of this.

6:56 p.m. - 2010-12-02


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