cellini's Diaryland Diary


New Project

I am about to start on something very big. Something that goes hand in hand with the new book, while carrying its premise even farther. I am going to create and organize a market for l10nfish in major north American cities.

Right now I have the connections from my trip to the Bahamas to get a small army of local fishermen catching these things. They just need a market that will pay for them. I also happen to have a good relationship with Sl0w Food NYC and I have the ability to get national media exposure for a good idea. So I have already started organizing an event in NYC to cook and introduce l10nfish as an alternative to Ch1lean sea bass.

I'm going to invite fish mongers and wholesalers and chefs and food writers and hopefully get the whole thing jumpstarted. I'll fly Mojo out from Eleuther@ to co-present with me. I can get the NY T1mes there and so forth.

If this works then I can start clearing out the inv@sive species that poses the greatest danger to coral reefs right now. And I'll do it by letting the free market do the work.

What is so incredibly frustrating is the fact that I'm still doing this on my own. I had to clear out my fucking IRA and have no money whatsoever left. I'll have to hit the pawn shop to get to NYC to speak at this event.

Meanwhile there are all of these government programs that get millions of dollars every year, and they aren't a fraction so effective as what I'm doing. Jesus fucking Christ, what I could do with a $30k grant.

9:09 p.m. - 2010-12-28


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