cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pet Savage In about an hour I'm supposed to be at a sort of stupid party. I have convinced Trish to come with me. Its some shit for Elvis Presley's birthday. Naturally it is hosted by people pushing 60, because nobody my age really gives a shit about Elvis. The host happens to run a very well-funded grant-making non-profit. That is 3 hyphenated words in a row. His wife runs a large PBS station. The other guests will probably be various society and media and news types and this is one of those networking things that I sort of need to be better about bothering with. Probably they need me there as the pet savage or something. I get invited to shit to be sort of on display from time to time. Its all right. It will be nice to get out of the house after a week or so of constant work. I kind of want to hit the road again soon. 6:57 p.m. - 2011-01-08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |