cellini's Diaryland Diary


Lazy Shitty Agent

Hi, I think I'll just post here again as if this was, in any way, a means of communication with an actual human being.

More weird fan mail today. I went into town for a few hours to get a cup of coffee. I dropped by the NPR studio and talked to the producer for a while. Went to a coffee house, caught up on email.

We're heating the house with successive cans of diesel and kerosene right now. I don't think I have enough money left to get through more than a few more days. My agent doesn't seem to get my point here. I'm telling her to sell the fucking book NOW. Its the middle of fucking winter and I'm out of heating oil and out of food and I don't know how we're going to survive into next week, let alone til spring. And she's just fucking around not doing anything.

What else am I supposed to do here? I've implemented a national media campaign, gotten written up in every major American newspaper, filmed a TV pilot, am guesting on a radio show with a million listeners this weekend, delivered one book, wrote half of another, got big articles in half a dozen national and international magazines. I even forwarded you an offer from the senior editor of S1m0n and Schust3r. Listen, lady. I did the heavy lifting. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS EMAIL OUT THE FUCKING PROPOSAL AND SAMPLE CHAPTERS. COULD YOU FUCKING DO THAT??!?!! COULD YOU FUCKING HIT FORWARD ON AN EMAIL TO LEADS I ALREADY FUCKING SENT YOU? IS IT SO FUCKING HARD?

Oh, my apologies. I'll just sit here and literally fucking freeze to death with my children because you're too busy playing farmer on your land in Vermont to show up in the office and send out a few fucking emails. I'm so sorry to be asking you to do 5 minutes of work in exchange for 15% of the book advances that I've been working 18 hour days to earn. The fucking authors must really get in the way of living the dream as a lit agent, huh?

But no, I'm not mad or anything.

10:28 p.m. - 2011-01-12


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