cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weird fuckers Have I mentioned this article in the Brazilian magazine that's like Playb0y in Portugese? They just asked for photos, so I guess its going to be a substantive sort of an article. Mary and I were supposed to meet for drinks today but she had to cancel. I can't figure her out sometimes. There's this whole weird love triangle there. Trish is in love or in lust with her, she is in love with me. I don't dare close the deal with her, even though she now knows Trish is ok with it, because her husband is a good friend of mine. She's going out again tomorrow night, at my suggestion, to try to get laid. More stupid email today from stupid random people. My publisher finally paid for the deer class this month. They are still on my shit list, provisionally. 6:33 p.m. - 2011-01-13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |