cellini's Diaryland Diary



I was on that radio show this morning. It went ok, but I could hardly hear what the guy was saying. It was fine during the initial part with the guy in the studio, but once the actual live broadcast started they switched over and I could not hear what the fuck he was saying half the time. I don't feel too bad now, since a few people have since told me that this is notoriously what happens on this dude's show. Their sound just sucks.

Nonetheless, I might have a new rule. No more phoned in interviews for live broadcasts. The asshole was repeatedly asking me questions and then interrupting me and talking over me while I couldn't even hear what the fuck he was saying.

Meanwhile, there was also an interview with me in a big Canadian newspaper that looks good.

I've been thinking about taking a 2 week trip this spring. Maybe in April. I think that I want to canoe the entire J@mes river of Virgini@. I've wanted to do that for the last 15 years but never thought that I would really have the opportunity. I think that I can schedule the travel for my new book around this. I think I'm going to do it.

What I would like is to have someone to come with me. A woman. Oh fuck, how I would love to have a woman come along. Trish wouldn't do it and couldn't hack it. With our new arrangement, it would be ok for me to paddle that river with another woman along for the ride.

If there are any volunteers...

Literally, I'm going to do this. Not fucking around here. I'm going to take this trip on the river in April.

11:28 p.m. - 2011-01-15


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