cellini's Diaryland Diary



An email from my agent today, forwarded from my publisher. Blah blah blah, money should probably show up in about 2 weeks.

Fuck fuck fuck motherfuckers. I have a trip for the new book in two weeks that I need to at least cover gas and food for. Also we are in danger of losing this house that we want to rent, unless I can come up with $1,300 from somewhere to pay the deposit with.

In the same email they said that they want to bid on my new book and are about to but that they have to sort out the details of their offer at their next meeting, which was described in an email written on Monday as being 'next Wednesday,' so I assume that means 8 days from now rather than tomorrow?

I would be a lot more inclined to take that offer seriously if they were to simply SEND ME MY FUCKING MONEY RIGHT AWAY. How does this shit not occur to them? In the same email where they are talking about how much they want to secure my new book, they are saying that they will continue to take fucking forever to pay what they owe for the last book.

Now why would I want to continue to do business with someone like that?

There is other stuff going on with Trish that I wish I could write about here. This diary's days are numbered. I'm just taking too much of a risk with this now that my profile has been raised.

4:58 p.m. - 2011-01-25


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