cellini's Diaryland Diary


Fueled By Sex

In other news, the woman we met up with was very nice and pretty and I look forward to her.

She's a bit more 'country' than I would prefer. She has a lovely figure and pretty hazel eyes. But she has no college education, nor has she an equivalent body of experience and reading. However, she has been working on transmissions for the last 15 years and this chick knows her way around a car or truck.

People who work on transmissions are, in my opinion, the brain surgeons of the automotive world.

She really is lovely and I'm going to enjoy fucking her. She saved up quite a bit of money and is taking a year or two to try to get a new business off the ground and in the meantime she has her own schedule, just as I do.

The important part here is that we are totally unsuited for each other. While she is far from stupid, she and I are obviously unsuited for each other in any serious way and we can fuck as much as we like without there being any potential for her to pose a serious threat to Trish.

Here is the oddly delightful thing about her; she has no idea who I am. No notion of googling a man before you meet him and his wife to negotiate an affair. I'm just me. She doesn't know about the TV shows or the documentaries or the books or the articles or any of it. This is at once delightful and disappointing.

I'll make the most of it.

Well, now she knows that it wasn't bullshit. She knows that my wife really and truly was the one who posted that ad on CL and that it is completely ok to have sex with this particular married man. I don't want anyone to think I'm a liar. I have an almost pathological horror of having anyone think that I'm full of shit. I will go to the ends of the Earth -- LITERALLY -- to prove that I'm on the level.

When I say 'literally' I mean literally. I will make a trip to fucking McMurdo and back if I ever have to.


The Sl0w Fo0d NYC people emailed me today. They are working on dates and so forth. Looks like everything is cool and the li0nfish event is on. Thank fuck for that. I was getting worried. I need important things on the horizon. I can't change the fucking world with nothing important on my calender. Even though I still have no funding, the important thing is that I have opportunities. I'll sell what's left of my art collection. I'll put my remaining Hasu1 prints on eBay if I must. This is too important not to do. Whatever I have to pay to fly that guy and the fish to NYC, plus paying for my own airfare and hotel, I'll do. I'm going to save the fucking Caribbean. I'm going to save the reefs. I'm going to accomplish something that makes my existence worthwhile and worth remembering.

Is it so much to want something to fuel that? Some series of experiences? I just need to get laid more. The work needs to be done either way but its so much easier to keep feeling inspired when one is getting laid.

12:28 a.m. - 2011-01-30


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