cellini's Diaryland Diary


Agent Switcheroo

I got some very good professional advice yesterday from good friend of my mother's who has worked in publishing for most of her life and who organizes and teaches a lot of industry events.

Her verdict was that I should have fired my agent by now and that I am completely justified in doing so. She also gave me the names of a bunch of agents to talk to.

Normally there is this whole process of querying agents and begging them to represent you. This process can take YEARS for new authors. Fuck that shit. I have a book to sell right the fuck now.

Out of the short list that she gave me I picked one this morning and sent her a carefully worded email. This lady handled 'The Hunt f0r Red 0ctober' and various other major books and she is kind of a big deal. And she replied to me about 20 minutes later! She wants to see everything I've got. This is a very, very good thing.

As soon as I have a clear indication that she wants to represent me, I'll fire my old agent.

11:26 a.m. - 2011-02-15


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