cellini's Diaryland Diary


A Date!

Oh wow! My date tonight was wonderful. Heather is the same chick whom Trish and I met up with a few weeks ago. Trish posted an ad on CL and found her for me. She sorted through the responses for the best one and emailed with her for a bit before setting up the first meeting.

Anyway, tonight was the first time that we saw each other without Trish with us. And I'm kind of getting really into her. She's almost 39. I love older women. She has really pretty eyes.

We talked for 2 or 3 hours and then I walked her to her car (parked next to mine, as it turns out) and I almost kissed her but then I didn't. And as I got in the car and started to drive off I felt all weak-kneed, almost as if I really had kissed her. And then I realized that this means its going to be extra awesome when I finally do.

There was an email waiting from her when I got home. She said that she almost kissed me as well but held back, just like I did.


This is lovely. This is really very wonderful. I wanted to work up to the actual sex in order to enjoy it more and that is exactly what is happening. When we finally fuck its going to be incredible.

A date. I went on a date! This is the first actual and purposeful date that I have been on since I was 17.

9:50 p.m. - 2011-02-17


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