cellini's Diaryland Diary


Fan Mail

You know what I've been doing for the last 90 minutes? Answering fan mail.

What the fuck kind of weird fucking life do I have where I have to answer fan mail every night but I don't have enough money to leave the fucking house?

Something is very wrong here.

I seem to have been making a lot of friends in Florida. I need to make a road trip to Florida this summer. People around Gainesville want to take me hog hunting with their pack of dogs. Some really hot South African chick who is living around Tampa messages me on Facebook every 5 minutes or so. The friends I made in Gasp@rill@ island hav only become closer since I was there, owing to our all keeping in touch on FB. I really need to get down there and spend a few days with those people on the island, because I have to say that while I really want to fuck M@rcy if at all possible, I also really need to spend a few days fishing with George.

A lot of the people I've met while working on this book, I really miss. For fuck's sake, can't I please get enough of a book advance to go and see them along the way?

9:35 p.m. - 2011-03-08


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