cellini's Diaryland Diary


E-Books &shit

Hey, wait a minute. I wrote two children's picture books that I still have full rights to. Dammit. And apparently there is suddenly a market for kids books for the color version of the Kindle.

Ok. I'm selling them. I started the wheels in motion today. I'm going to put them out as self-published e-books. Ha. And you know what? I don't even have to sell very many to make some decent money. Selling a thousand copies is shit in the mainstream publishing world. But having already finished both of them a few years ago, its pure profit. If I sell a thousand copies of each of them for $5 each, assuming $1 overhead, that is eight grand in my pocket between the two of them. And that is assuming that they sell really badly.

I wrote these books for my kids and printed up a few copies. They loved them, as the tattered remains of the few print copies can attest. Yes, I think I can sell a few thousand copies of each of them. And it if works out then I'll continue the series with another half dozen books.

10:27 p.m. - 2011-03-30


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