cellini's Diaryland Diary


The Apocalypse Now of Hunting Books

I wrote close to 6,000 words today, finishing the hardest part of the book. This is from the trip to Louisiana. It is three parts and I finished the second part just now. The third will be much easier to write.

Maybe this will all be one chapter or maybe it will be split up into three. I don't know.

The other trips and chapters will be easier to write. They will also probably be shorter. The 12,000 words or so that I just got through with in the last few days detail the total crushing of Br0wn's soul as he discovered in the swamp the fact that he was a coward. That is not an easy thing to write.

I might cut and rearrange some of it later. But you can't edit air, so the heavy lifting is done.

My editor is going to have quite a surprise. I don't think that this is the sort of thing that she expected to be handed when they bought this book from me. But of course we didn't know what was going to happen in the course of these trips that I was going to write about. I did not expect to find myself writing this book where I describe a photographer assigned to cover me as he descends gradually into cowardice and the edge of a nervous breakdown. But there you have it.

Weirder still, he was assigned to take photos for a story about me working on this book. And the act of writing the magazine article about me writing the book has become its self part of the book that I am writing. If they delay the article much longer, then they can address that fact in Men's J0urnal and make the whole situation too meta to even wrap my head around.

This was supposed to be a breezy, edutainment-type book about e@ting inv@sive species but its turned into something very fucking strange along the way.

This is like the 'Apocalypse Now' of hunting books.

3:19 a.m. - 2011-08-16


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