cellini's Diaryland Diary


Broken Bone

I'm on the third episode of Mad Men. This shit always makes me want a cigarette.

Today I broke a bone in my left foot. There's not much of anything that I can do about it. The left side of it is swollen and blue. I can't walk on it. I've been icing it and keeping it elevated and now there's an Ace bandage on it. It hurts. Oh well.

Yesterday I signed my first books. There is more to this than I thought. The author is supposed to pick the right page, date it, sign it, and write a little personal note. Its the personal note that has me stymied. What the fuck am I supposed to write? I considered a few stock phrases:

'Keep on truckin'!'

'N'gah f'tah Cthulhu!'

And so forth.

Fuck, my foot hurts. It has really turned an honest-to-fuck shade of baby blue. I don't have any real painkillers. Just beer.

Gotta finish this fucking book through white hot sheets of pain. Gotta hit the road the day after tomorrow and drive to Missouri. Oy. I did an interview this morning. That went well. I think I have another one tomorrow. This is one hell of a time to have a book launch.

Yesterday I went out in the woods to dig sassafras root on account of running low on root beer (that sentence was completely in earnest). While I was out there I found that the chantarelle mushrooms have come back up. I picked about half a pound with every intention of coming back out today to get a few more pounds. Sadly, I broke my fucking foot within 30 seconds of waking up and I can't really walk. Pounds and pounds of wonderful wild chantarelles are rotting where they lie right now.

I use chantarelles for everything. Omelets, soups, steaks, stir fry. I still have a couple of pounds frozen from the last bloom. They normally go for $30-$50 per pound if you can find them at all. When they come up I usually drop everything and spend a few days foraging for them. It isn't something that I make a big thing about but I cook a lot and most of it is from scratch. And when I say 'from scratch' it has a larger meaning than when most people use the term, because I have typically hunted, butchered and killed the meat myself, gathered the vegetables or mushrooms in the wild, caught and cleaned the fish, etc.

10:07 p.m. - 2011-08-21


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