cellini's Diaryland Diary


I Have A Girlfriend

Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck.

It took me forever sitting on the couch with her last night with out heads leaned against one another to kiss her. But I did. I waited a long time even though I knew that she was ready and wanted to be kissed. Anticipation is an important part of happiness. I felt the warmth of her body against mine and I inhaled the scent of her hair.

And then I kissed her and it was perfect.

"Thank God!" I exclaimed when we came up for air.

"Finally!" Helenah said.


We've both had it bad for each other since the very first moment that we met in person. It is good to know that I wasn't crazy. She was in fact staring into my eyes. This afternoon we just did that. We sat down on the grass in a garden and stared into each others eyes for a very long time.

Melinda told me a few nights ago that I should find out why she is single. I asked Helenah today and she said she has been single for about 7 years because she never met a man that she thought was really worth bothering with until she met me.

We are trying to be reasonable and not start planning out the rest of our lives together on our first day as a couple. But actually I want to start planning out the rest of our lives together on our first day as a couple. So many things have suddenly become given assumptions. That I will come to Sweden with her to visit her grandparents' fishing cottage.

I already miss her.

While we were downtown today I ran into my friend Peter and it was very funny to have a founding member of the D@ve M@thews Band asking for my autograph. He had just bought my book. I introduced him to Helenah and I could see that he understood. He looked at us together and he knew. Everyone knows when they see us. We can't hide it. Even when we try.

She kept dragging me off into secluded corners and kissing me.

Then she had to take the bus back to DC (she has learned her lesson and will take the train again next time). I waited at the bus station with her and held her hand. I kissed her goodbye. Then I stood looking out the window of the bus station watching her slowly walk down the aisle of the bus looking for a seat.

Helenah walked through the front door in a black 'Metallica' T shirt and tight black jeans stretched over her hourglass figure. Pale blond hair spilled down past her green eyes and below her shoulders. She had about $3,000 worth of camera and sound equipment strapped to her shoulder and hip.

Trish loves her. This is good. Trish doesn't just approve -- she is rooting for us. She said today, in her slash fic parlance; "I totally ship you and Helenah." She thinks that everything about us is cute together.

Helenah told me last night that I seem to have a habit of sometimes talking to myself a little bit when I am completely alone. How does she know this? Because she constantly has me on a wireless mic when we are filming together. It seems that I have quietly said some very sweet things about her when I didn't realize that my microphone was on. She said that she listened to it again and again. I wasn't quite ready to hear her tell me what I had said. Probably something to the effect of 'I am so completely in love with you' or 'holy shit she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.'

She leaned across my body, wrapped her arms around me and inhaled my scent through her nose.


Neither of us wants a fling. Its understood. We have both risked so much for this. It would be insane to do this for something short-term. She is risking her thesis. I am risking my relationship with my entire extended family.

I have a girlfriend. An incredibly hot, brilliant, talented, Swedish girlfriend. Hallelujah!

8:23 p.m. - 2011-10-05


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