cellini's Diaryland Diary


With the Woman I Love

Holy shit. I have the best girlfriend that there ever was. My train ticket is booked! I'm going to spend the night there on Tuesday. Three whole days to wait without her. Fuck, this is a long time to wait without seeing her.

She met with another filmmmaker today to show her the best of the film shot so far. Her friend's assessment is that the best stuff is what Helenah thought was going to end up on the metaphorical cutting room floor. Helenah is starting to agree that the film has taken on a life of its own and is becoming something unpredictable and new and different. It started out as a documentary about me and my work and now its turning into a movie about Helenah and I falling in love with each other; risking everything to be together; and ultimately the act of making this film is completely changing our lives along the way.

Fuck it. We can't wait.

By the way, I usually write these entries in gmail over a period of hours and then copy and paste into diaryland. I used to have a full account at Diaryland where I could post entries by email but then there were all sorts of technical problems and the dude who runs DL didn't respond to my messages so I stopped paying. Probably at some point I'll try paying again and see if things have gotten better.

Anyway, I just chatted with Helenah for hours and we literally can't wait to see each other. I would start driving now but I have half a bottle of wine in me. I'm going to bed soon and when I wake up I'm driving up to see her. We're too desperate for each other to wait.

Neither of us even felt like this in high school. We're just hungry for each other. I would literally crawl over broken glass to kiss her.

No, seriously. Its easy to toss off a sentence like that. But I literally mean it. I would actually, physically, crawl bodily over broken glass if that was the only way that I could kiss her. I would leave a trail of slashed flesh and flowing red blood from my body for her.

Is that disgusting? Yes. Sorry. But I have bled enough under horrible enough circumstances that I think I can say this and really mean it while knowing what I am talking about. I am madly in love with this woman and I would literally do anything to be with her. An evolutionary biologist would have a field day with this situation.

I have an in-box full of emails from journalists and biologists and fans. And I'll get to it -- I promise. But right now I'm going to run away to spend a day and a night with the woman I love.

By the way, I've really appreciated the comments recently from Dizzygemini and Collegekid. As soon as my next royalty check drops out of the sky I will get a full account here again with comments enable so I can start properly responding.

1:22 a.m. - 2011-10-08


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