cellini's Diaryland Diary


My Wife and My Girlfriend

My book is still selling well. The classes that I just announced a few days ago are filling up pretty quickly and money is coming in. I'm getting good press, regular fan mail, Discovery wants to talk to me more about hosting a shot for them. Some guy who is buying a hunting outfitter in C@nada wants to talk to me about putting together a program for adult beginners. I don't know if I'd be working as staff or as a consultant or what. I think I'd rather be a consultant.

My wife has some new job leads. My girlfriend is finally going on the pill.

Helenah is gradually volunteering for more and more little things that help me to work. Taking notes in a meeting, getting my business cards ordered, finding out what platform my train will be at. She talks about being my secretary and she is sort of literally becoming that, bit by bit.

She showed up in my life to make this movie about me and then somehow ended up becoming my girlfriend and my personal assistant. I happen to think that this is a much more interesting story than the one she wants to tell about me. The movie should really be about her instead.

I'm at a point right now where I really don't want to change anything in terms of my personal life. I am very comfortable. Trish still hasn't come out, but we're living together very harmoniously. Helenah and I see each other a few times a week and have really good sex. This is perfect. Why would I want to change anything?

2:48 p.m. - 2011-10-13


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