cellini's Diaryland Diary


The Reporter Whom I Did Not Fuck

I spent most of the day with a freelance reporter who is writing a profile piece of me for a big regional magazine.

Through our email communications and over the phone I had gotten a certain impression of her. In person, she was very much so.

This woman spent about 4 hours trying to fuck me.

She's about 15 years older than me. Normally this would be my thing. I like older women. I like their faces. I like their expressions.

She turned off her recorder over tea and started talking about her freelance career. Within a few minutes this turned into talking about her being single. She tossed her long brown hair with one hand and cocked her head.

Somehow it was decided that we were going out to chase a particular invasive species that is included in my book that comes out next year. She wanted to ride with me rather than follow in her own car. The entire car ride was spent discussing first her failed past relationships and then the great advantages of an open marriage. How awful it is that men try to seduce her over business lunches.

She pushed her left leg very close to the shift knob of my manual transmission, so that my hand had to brush against her leg every time I changed gears on the winding country roads.

She is a slim, tall woman with pleasing curves.

We spent the afternoon hopping across the churning various courses of a waterfall. She extended her hand to be helped across streams that a child could cross alone.

I was polite and kind. But I dropped her off afterward without more than a smile.

It was enough to know that I *could* have fucked the reporter if I had wanted to. I wanted to. I wanted to fuck her very much but I thought of Helenah and so I didn't.

The reporter is coming out to meet me on Friday to try to fish for Sn@keheads. Helenah will be there. I am curious to see what will happen.

Helenah told me tonight that the only thing for it is for us to fuck like mad right before we go to meet this woman. Helenah wants us to exude sex pheromones between ourselves for the reporter to witness.

After I dropped off the reporter and ran a few errands I went to meet Steve for a few beers at his house. I now have another country in the mix for this project I want to make happen in Africa. Steve owns a bunch of gold mines in Sierr@ Leone and he is trying to convince me to do all of this there. He knows the President there and he thinks that I can get everything paid for. So now it is between G@bon and Sierr@ Leone. A few days ago I had nothing going on in Africa and now I am choosing between a pair of competitors.

I talked to Helenah about it tonight and she is open to considering Sierr@ Leone. I want her to be my documentary film partner for the project. For S1erra Leone I think that I can get more money committed to this. I think that I would rather go to G@bon, if the rest of the money could be arranged somehow. It is possible that we could end up going to both on the same trip.

The whole thing is honestly just something that I cooked up as an excuse to get me a free trip to Africa. If I can make some money at the same time, so much the better. While I am doing this, it can also establish me as a host for some very daring and unusual nature documentaries.

The scary thing about this is that I seem to be jumping into film production, which I don't really want to do. But perhaps if I produce what seems to be shaping up to become a 3 part mini-series in Africa (which could also work well as 3 stand-alone things) then they will sell well enough to be able to get someone else to step in to act as the producer for future documentaries.

1:11 a.m. - 2011-10-18


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