cellini's Diaryland Diary


How soon is too soon?

How long to wait until announcing to my family that Helenah is my girlfriend?

This is tough. My parents only just found out last night about Trish planning to divorce me. Hitting them with this right away could be a problem. They are still reeling from the news. Hell, *I* am still reeling from the news.

To introduce Helenah right away might give them the impression that she was the cause of the split, which isn't really true.

However, it is totally unfair for Helenah to have to continue to be a secret. She wants and deserves to assume a full place in my life and to be introduced as my girlfriend rather than just some filmmaker who follows me around.

Probably there should be some sort of interim but I don't know how long exactly.

4:20 a.m. - 2011-12-09


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