cellini's Diaryland Diary


Retarded TV Producers

Dipshit TV producer number eight hundred and forty seven (or whatever) just emailed me trying very obviously to get me to do a lot of free consulting work.

'Blah blah blah, we're doing this show, need to film XYZ, not sure where to get it or how to find it, blah blah we want your help...'

This has happened to many times. I'm fed up and bored with these people. I'm going to respond with links to a few clips of me hunting and cooking these things as proof that I know what I'm doing, but no details about locations or people. I'll tell her that my rate on location is $500 a day, or they can hire me as a location consultant for some other fee.

I need to ask Helenah to check with some of her production friends to find out how I should be charging for consulting work that isn't on location. She's back in Sweden right now. As of next month she actually works for N@tional Geographic.

7:20 p.m. - 2011-12-16


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